Breaking Barriers: The Unstoppable Resilience of Women in the Professional World

When we think of resilience, we often think of strength and determination in the face of adversity. And while both men and women possess this quality, there is a unique resilience that women bring to the table. In today’s society, where discussions on gender equality and inclusion are at the forefront, it is important to […]

5 Advantages of Working on Yourself Together with Others

How to Give Young Employees the Connectedness they Need There’s a tendency to think that young people are more resilient than their older colleagues – they work long hours without complaint, are less likely to have caring obligations, and are energetic and motivated. And yet, Generation Z – those born after 1994 – are three times […]

Thriving in the new age of work requires resilience.

As organizations continue to navigate the ever-changing business landscape, employees are challenged to develop skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, renewal and optimism. The more individuals are supported in developing these skills, the more likely they’ll be able to build a better future for themselves and their organizations. In this blog post, we’ll explore […]

Being a First Time Manager

“Becoming a first time manager is an exciting and challenging milestone in any professional’s career. As you navigate your new role, there will be many ups and downs, successes and challenges. But one skill that can make all the difference in your journey is resilience. Learning to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to changing circumstances, […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Managing Employee Grief

“As HR managers, we understand the importance of creating a positive and productive work environment for our employees. However, when faced with an employee experiencing grief, it can be challenging to know how to support them while also maintaining high performance levels. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of grief on employees […]

Managing Change Successfully from the Start

Change is constant in the workplace, and as managers, it is our responsibility to guide our teams through these transitions. But often, we wait until the change has already happened before providing resources and support for dealing with it. This can lead to decreased productivity, disengagement, and overall negative effects on performance. In this blog […]

The Key Role of HR in Supporting Working Parents

work life balance

“In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, it’s no surprise that many working parents struggle to balance their professional and personal responsibilities. High levels of stress and burn-out can not only impact their well-being, but also have a negative effect on their performance at work. HR managers can support working parent employees in building resilience […]